Sunday, May 31th, 2015

scorpio moonGood Morning Readers:

The Moon is in the second  day of the Full Moon cycle today remaining in Scorpio  this morning until Monday at 7:01 when it pauses void of course until the afternoon at 2:39 entering Sagittarius.

During the Full Moon phase  the moon reaches its zenith;  forming a perfect silvery sphere in the sky. At the height of its power during this time the moon shares its energy to the earth and to us. The entire phase of the Full Moon includes the  3 days before the full Moon and remains until 3 days after the actual full moon. This  phase represents the Goddess in her Mother aspect,  praising  Cerridwen, Isis or one of the other Mother Goddesses.

As we know the Moon plays a very profound role in spell casting, keep in mind the subconscious is ruled by the Moon. Those interested in magic and spell casting, can enhance the power of their spells by becoming acquainted with all the phases of the Moon, and how to apply them, mindful awareness of the moon phase and zodiac enhances our practice and life in many ways.

The Full Moon phase is for spells of transformation especially an increase of psychic ability, for fertility and abundance  spells and invocation to lunar goddesses. This is a time of strength, love and power for us as we choose to live in harmony with her energy harnessing it for the greater good of our planet and ourselves.

This power enhances and amplifies the energy of the moons astrological sign as well. With the moon in Scorpio from early, this morning until Monday aspects of the Scorpion moon will be felt more keenly. It is by design that the Scorpion symbolizes Scorpio this sign is in ultimate control of its own destiny promoting an agenda and seeing to it that things go as planned. Scorpio is the executive and can lead to an over-bearing even self-destructive energy but the beauty of this sign is the tremendous regenerative powers for just like the literal Scorpion can lose its tail and regrow a new one so the energy of a Scorpion moon allows us to “take a licking and keep on ticking”. The Element associated with Scorpio is Water inspiring  heightened emotions as is true of all waterborne signs however the Scorpion moon draws from a deeper well, harnessing the power of our subconscious emotional selves. As opposed to the ‘roiling seas’ seen in other Water Signs, a better motto for Scorpios would be ‘still waters run deep. ‘During a scorpion moon we may also feel highly attuned to the vibrations of others and enhancing our natural intuitiveness. The pairing of the Full Moon Cycle and Scorpio enhances this probing and focused side of ourselves allowing us to see people and situations for what they are. We will turn this blessing into a curse though if we allow it to blow things out of proportion.

Have a great day readers and remember…

Light and Love I send to thee, may  you always Blessed Be. .


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